Managed IT Services M&A Update: Q3 2023

In this edition of Founders’ Managed IT Services Q3 2023 Update, our team provides valuable insights from the marketplace based on the third quarter. As stability reentered the M&A market, driven largely by the Federal Reserve slowing interest rate hikes, MSP and IT Services transaction volume increased in the third quarter. 174 MSP and IT Services M&A transactions were closed in the United States during the third quarter, 5 more than the 169 transactions closed in the prior quarter.

Our update also includes:

  1. A look into the recent acquisition of RevaComm, Inc. by IntelliBridge, Inc.
  2. “Selling When Things Are Going Well” by Chris Weingartner
  3. Trends in MSP M&A Webinar Overview with Evergreen Services Group
  4. Valuation Drivers, Public Metrics, & Global and North American M&A Activity
  5. Key buyer activity
  6. An invitation to take our Investment Grade Assessment (use Discount Code Q123ITS)

As we continue to plow through 2023, Founders remains focused on helping founder-owned and led businesses achieve their goals, whether that is to exit completely, take some chips off the table, or raise capital to accelerate growth.

If you are considering a transaction of some sort soon, please reach out to Chris Weingartner for insight into what investors and buyers are looking for, as well as how we uniquely position each business to maximize value, minimize the disruption to your daily business, and optimize the probability of a successful outcome.