Market Insights

  1. COVID-19 Insights Report Update – April 8, 2020

    By: Wesley Legg & Scott David United States COVID 19 Clouds BreakingU.S. daily cases may have peaked on April 4th with 34,196 cases. Daily cases have now been below the peak for three consecutive days, and government officials say they’re seeing light at the end of the tunnel. While we may see the daily cases number bounce around…


  2. Multi-Unit Industry Buzz

    By: Mike McCraw “The magnitude and persistence of its (COVID-19) overall effect on the U.S. economy remain highly uncertain and the situation remains a fluid one. Against this background, the committee judged that the risks to the U.S. outlook have changed materially. In response, we have eased the stance of monetary policy to provide some…


  3. What we’re Reading About SaaS?

    Notable & Quotable “At this point, cloud adoption is mainstream. The expectations of the outcomes associated with cloud investments therefore are also higher. Adoption of next-generation solutions are almost always ‘cloud-enhanced’ solutions, meaning they build on the strengths of a cloud platform to deliver digital business capabilities.” – Sid Nga, Gartner Vice Presidentof Research “Volume…


  4. COVID-19 Insights Report Update – March 27, 2020

    By: Wesley Legg, Jack Houtz, and Scott David United States COVID-19 Daily Cases Still ClimbingU.S. daily cases continue to climb as we expected. As stated in our March 25th report, we hope to see daily cases peak and flatten sometime next week (between March 30th and April 6th). U.S. daily test results are giving us…