Tag Archives: IGA

  1. What Is a Competitive Advantage and Do I Have One? 

    By: Duane Donner The value of a business depends on its ability to generate and sustain returns on invested capital (“ROIC”) and the capacity of the business to grow over time. Therefore, understanding and predicting what drives and sustains ROIC is critical to evaluating investments and business strategies. The ROIC of any company or industry…


  2. A Great Company and a Great Life Begin with the Right Team 

    By: Wesley Legg There has been speculation that Apple is looking to get into the automotive industry. Exhibit number one for the speculators is the fact that Apple has been on a hiring spree for auto industry talent. In fact, Apple’s poached so many car battery engineers from A123 Systems, that A123 sued Apple claiming…


  3. Are Your Revenue Types the Most Valuable Ones?

    By: Duane Donner Most companies are valued by applying a multiple to the businesses EBITDA (earnings before interest taxes, depreciation, and amortization). However, buyers will closely examine the revenue streams generating that EBITDA and assess the quality thereof. Here are a few things buyers will look for when assessing a company’s revenue streams. 1. Revenue…